PHP notice

unserialize(): Unexpected end of serialized data


097     /**
098      * Retrieves a value from cache with a specified key.
099      * @param string $id a key identifying the cached value
100      * @return mixed the value stored in cache, false if the value is not in the cache, expired or the dependency has changed.
101      */
102     public function get($id)
103     {
104         $value = $this->getValue($this->generateUniqueKey($id));
105         if($value===false || $this->serializer===false)
106             return $value;
107         if($this->serializer===null)
108             $value=unserialize($value);
109         else
110             $value=call_user_func($this->serializer[1], $value);
111         if(is_array($value) && (!$value[1] instanceof ICacheDependency || !$value[1]->getHasChanged()))
112         {
113             Yii::trace('Serving "'.$id.'" from cache','system.caching.'.get_class($this));
114             return $value[0];
115         }
116         else
117             return false;
118     }
120     /**

Stack Trace

 /var/www/vhosts/ CUrlManager->init()
09     private $languageId;
10     private $languageCode;
12     public function init()
13     {
14         parent::init();
15         $aLanguages = Language::getLanguageForSite();
16         $this->setLanguages($aLanguages);
17     }
19     private function setWebpage(Webpage $mWebpage)
 /var/www/vhosts/ CApplication->run()
12     header("Location: /",TRUE,301);
13     exit();
14 }
16 require_once($yii);
17 Yii::createWebApplication($config)->run();
2024-04-18 15:47:43 Apache Yii Framework/1.1.15